Candela GentleMax Pro for hair removal: Check these FAQs

Getting rid of unwanted body hair can be exhausting. While shaving and waxing remain the most accessible choices, people are now looking for permanent ways to remove hair. With the advancement in cosmetic treatments, there are more reliable and affordable options than ever before. If you are in Santa Rosa, check Laser & Skin Care Center for a quick appointment for laser hair removal. We have a few pointers below that will guide you through the procedure.

What is Candela GentleMax Pro?

As the name suggests, laser hair removal relies on a laser that penetrates the skin and delivers a certain amount of heat, which causes the hair follicles to die. There are various proprietary techniques for laser hair removal, including Candela GentleMax Pro. Candela has a Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which protects the skin with a burst of cryogen. If you have blonde hair, you may need to get a melanin spray before the procedure. Candela GentleMax Pro works best for brown and black unwanted hair.

What is the procedure like?

You have to visit the aesthetic clinic for the procedure. Your doctor or technician will give you protective eyewear and will clean the skin before starting with the device. They will then use the device on the targeted areas before which a cooling spray will be dispensed from the handheld piece. Depending on the size of the area, the procedure may take a few minutes to an hour.

Will laser hair removal hurt?

Candela GentleMax Pro is a safe and advanced procedure. Some patients may experience some discomfort, but the experience doesn’t feel painful. Because of the cryogen burst, the side effects are minimized. If you are extremely sensitive to pain, consider talking to your aesthetician for a numbing cream.

How many sessions are required?

When it comes to laser hair removal using Candela GentleMax Pro, you may need at least a few sessions to see permanent results.

What to do before the treatment?

Avoid waxing, electrolysis, and plucking for at least three weeks before the procedure. While you may shave, you cannot go for a close shave. Do not use skin care products, especially oils or makeup, on the day of treatment. Your doctor will offer more insights on things you should do and avoid before and after the procedure.

You should avoid direct sun exposure for a minimum of two weeks. If you have other skin concerns, let your doctor know in advance. In general, Candela GentleMax Pro works for most patients.

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